Real. Life. Together.


Real. Life. Together.

Real. We are committed to being real. It is foundational to the community that Jesus envisioned for His Church — His people. Jesus calls us to lives of honesty and integrity before one another and the surrounding community. As a result, we are free to come as we are.

Real Life. We believe that real life is found in the ways of Jesus and the life that He gives to those who follow Him. As a result, we seek to follow Him in every area of life.

Real Life Together. We believe that the real life that Jesus offers is only fully found when it is lived out together. As a result, pursuing community and a life lived together are non-negotiables in a life of following Him.


“To be a community of disciple makers who follow Jesus and devote themselves to authentic relationships where love, healing, and growth are fostered.”


“To connect with our neighbor, build relationships, and introduce them to a community where they come to know and follow Jesus.”


Troy and Heather Hawks first sensed a call to ministry while serving in a church plant in Tucson, Arizona, nearly 20 years ago. Twenty years of experiences in a few different settings lead them to wonder how close the church in America really is to the church Jesus envisioned. That season of wondering lead to a new adventure that eventually took on the name Real Life Arizona.

Troy and Heather, originally from Nebraska and San Diego respectively, met as students at Northern Arizona University and later started a family while living in Tucson. They have four children ranging in age from 16 to 23 years old and have lived in the Scottsdale area for the past 15 years. Both graduated from NAU after which Heather spent a handful of years teaching elementary school. Troy proceeded to obtain additional degrees from the University of Arizona and Phoenix Seminary. Both serve within a variety of roles at Real Life Arizona and love being able to work as a team.
Real Life Ministries Arizona

Mailing Address:
7349 Via Paseo Del Sur
Suite 515-84
Scottsdale AZ 85258
(contact us for meeting location)
Contact Information